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HandiDanse training

Dance Professionals and Facilitators


Are you a dance professional (state graduate or facilitator)?
Adapted Inclusive® HandiDanse Animation and Teaching Training are made for you

Training from the AVIO Academy it is:

100% success in the last session of 2023!


"Adapted HandiDance Teacher or Facilitator"Inclusive®"

Training available in
Face-to-face or Remote

Find information on Dates - Locations - Prices through our Registration Files

Option 1

 Intellectual Disability, Mental Disability, Mental Illness and Autism

Option 2

Physical, motor and multiple disabilities

Module 1 - Option 1

 Intellectual Disability, Mental Handicap, Psychic Illnesses and Autism

Option 3

Dance for elderly people with or without dependency and suffering from pathology(s) linked to old age


“Teaching the practice of HandiDanse Adaptée Inclusive®”

Training available only in person

Cette certification est enregistrée au Répertoire Spécifique auprès de France Compétences sous l'intitulé "Enseigner la Pratique HandiDanse Adaptée" N° RS6486 - articles L. 6113 et L. 6113-6 du code du travail


Dance and intellectual disability, mental disability, psychological illnesses, autism,
physical disability, motor disability, multiple disabilities, sensory deficiencies (hearing and visual),
degenerative diseases linked to old age (elderly people with or without dependence)

This option includes all disabilities and deficiencies; it brings together options 1, 2, 3 and 4 of module 1.


“Dance Teacher or Facilitator Specializing in Healthy Dance”

Training available in
Face-to-face or Remote

Option 3 - Prérequis :

Obtention Diplôme "Module 1 Option 1" (ICI)


Option 1

Welcome during the dance class/workshops, people with cancer, people with diabetes, people suffering from COPD, asthma, severe to morbid obesity;

Option 2

Accueillir durant le cours/ateliers danse, des personnes victimes de trauma et/ou souffrant de SSPT

Option 3

Accueillir durant le cours/ateliers danse, des personnes avec TSA ou TDA-H


Training Catalog:

Registration Form (Dates - Locations - Prices) :

Registration conditions at the bottom of the page

Quote Request:

Return of the quote to the following email address:

Registration methods in 3 steps:

1 - Complete our form and download your registration file 

2 - Complete the file online directly in the PDF
3 - Return the completed and signed file accompanied by the requested documents:


What happens after taking one of our training courses?

Support from the AVIO® Academy does not stop with the end of the training.
Holders of certifications and diplomas continue to benefit from the advice of the Academy team to advise them according to their needs as long as their membership is valid.

Following AVIO® Academy training means joining a team.
All the work is articulated around a partnership and a complementary and harmonious relationship between trainees and trainers.

Sometimes routines and work habits set in and you can distance yourself from the essentials of the AVIO® method.
To consolidate your practice and ensure the quality of your training, the Academy offers post-training follow-up.

These evaluations, carried out a few months later, after "decanting", cold, will make it possible to highlight your learning and the exploitation of the knowledge and skills acquired.  

It is not a question of control but of an interest in the success of your projects thanks to quality work, faithful to the objectives of HandiDance adapted inclusive®.

Our Satisfaction Surveys

Download HERE our satisfaction survey concerning Inclusive Adapted HandiDance Training for Dance Professionals and Facilitators 2022

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