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Financial Aid



Skills development plan:

It brings together the training actions decided by the employer according to the orientations that he wishes to give to his company (UNIFORMATION, AGEFOS PME, AGEFICE (Association of Management and Financing of the training of Company Managers) etc).



"Pôle Emploi" has different mechanisms to finance the

training for registered job seekers who have validated a training project with their advisor.


The Regional or Departmental Council finance as a priority the

training for people who are not compensated by Pôle Emploi.
Each region or department can contribute to financing your training.
You should inquire directly with these institutions.

Liberal Professions - Self-Employed - Business Managers


You can :


Contact the Interprofessional Training Fund for Liberal Professionals (FIF PL) or your Medical Professions Training Insurance Fund (FAF PM) specific to whom you pay your contributions. 


Contact AGEFICE which is the association for management and financing of training for business leaders.

Intermittents of the Show


You can make a request to the AFDAS of your region.
There is also the tax credit for training business managers (ask your accountant)

People with disabilities


Contact AGEFIPH (Financing fund for people with disabilities).

Prevention Professional Account


The Professional Prevention Account (C2P) determines the risks borne by an employee during his work. According to his exposure to arduous and risky conditions, the worker accumulates points.

He can then use them to finance training in order to access less arduous jobs, to benefit from part-time work without loss of salary or to retire prematurely.

Compte Personnel de Formation


Bénéficiez d'une prise en charge financière grâce à votre Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF) :

  1. Connectez-vous à votre CPF : Sur, choisissez la formation qui vous intéresse.

  2. Validez votre demande : Suivez les étapes pour soumettre votre demande de financement.

  3. Confirmation rapide : Recevez une réponse rapide concernant l'approbation de votre demande.

Veuillez noter que seul le Module 2 du 2nd degré est éligible à ce financement (pour le moment).

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