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Frequently Asked Questions
What level of training corresponds to my profile?Do you have at least one year of experience in teaching dance animation? Do you know how to place the counts on your movements? You will therefore be able to follow our HandiDanse training courses for Dance Professionals and Facilitators Otherwise, if you have no knowledge of dance, you can follow our training courses dedicated to medical-social, hospital and other staff. Do you have any doubts about your level of training? Do not hesitate to contact us at 07 66 37 72 20 or by email at We will be happy to help you!😄
What are the registration procedures for training?In order to validate your registration, you must: Download and complete the registration form directly online Send pages 13 to 16 of the “ Initiator ” file or 17 to 20 of the “ Animator or Teacher ” file completed in their entirety Pay a registration fee of €35 to FHDAI Pay a fee of €10 for membership to the FHDAI order Send 2 recent ID photos Send a dated and manually signed cover letter Return the completed and signed file accompanied by the requested documents: By mail: FHDAI Quartier Amérique - 14 Rue La Fayette – 59400 Cambrai – France By email:
What happens after I send my file?The Training Officer will put together your file and then contact you by email to send you your contract or agreement as well as your invitation and various documents necessary for preparing your registration file.
Can I pay in installments?Of course! If you choose individual payment, you have the option of paying the educational cost of your training in several monthly installments without backdating the checks . To do this, please indicate this in the corresponding section when you receive your contract.
What financial assistance is available to me?To learn about the different types of assistance available, click on the following link:
Can I finance my training using my personal training account (CPF)?The training eligible for the CPF is as follows: Module 2 "Teaching Adapted HandiDanse Practice" . This certification is registered in the Specific Directory with France Compétences under No. RS6486. More information on the link HERE !
How do I request a quote and who should I send it to?All you need to do is go to the “ HandiDanse Training ” menu, then to the “ Medico-Social Staff and others ” or “ Dance Professionals and Facilitators ” section. Finally, go to the bottom of the page and click on “ Request a Quote ” When your quote is completed, please return this form to the following address: We will then undertake to satisfy your request as quickly as possible.
How long is membership in the HandiDanse Adaptée Inclusive Federation active and what are the benefits?Membership of the Fédération HandiDanse Adaptée Inclusive remains active from September 1 to August 31 of each year and costs €10 . Several advantages are available to you: Access to our Training Participation in our National HandiDanse Meetings and Competitions Guarantee of being insured regarding activities relating to the Inclusive Adapted HandiDanse® Practice Additional exchanges in terms of advice, prevention, etc. Benefit from a 66% tax reduction up to 20% of your income Benefit from the HandiDanse Adaptée Inclusive® quality label Obtaining a training certificate
What happens after my training?We will be there to provide you with complete support to give you the opportunity to create your first HandiDanse classes as well as your various educational projects.
How to obtain the Quality Label from the Fédération HandiDanse Adaptée Inclusive?This label is issued upon simple request provided that: Your membership is up to date Your training is validated by one of the FHDAI® diplomas
Quels sont les avantages de ce Label ?Premièrement, le Label F.H.D.A. I® est la preuve que vous avez suivi et validé une ou des formations à la Méthode AVIO®, méthode basée sur plus de 30 années de recherches et d’expériences mais pas que c’est aussi : La possibilité de recevoir les demandes de cours qui arrivent à la Fédération L'assurance de recevoir une aide sur la constitution de votre projet pédagogique artistique inclusif L'accompagnement sur les formalités administratives pour votre création d'entreprise ou d'association Permettre d'optimiser vos chances au travers de votre insertion professionnelle
What does Qualiopi certification consist of?We have been certified by the French Republic Qualiopi at the National level since November 4, 2021. This certification, mandatory for all training organizations, ensures complete transparency regarding the training we offer. As a result, you have the possibility of being 100% supported by your OPCO.
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